Re-elected to the 10th National Parliament as the member for Tari-Pori Open Electorate seat in the 2017 General Elections. Leader of Pangu PATI elected the Prime Minister after the resignation of the former Prime Minister Hon.
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Peter ONeill and sworn in by the Governor General Sir Bob Dadae on the 300519.
. Rapid population growth has created. About one-third of the population is under 15 years of age. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries the birth rate greatly exceeded the world average while the death rate was moderately high and falling.
Coffee production in Papua New Guinea is the countrys second largest agricultural export after oil palm and employs approximately 25 million people. Citation needed It accounts for approximately 1 of world production according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTADCoffee is the highest foreign exchange earner for Papua New. Papua New Guineas rate of population growth tends to be high and life expectancy somewhat low relative to other countries in the region.
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